• Vidos

Anti-wrinkle serum



Helps remove wrinkles and fine lines and restores the radiant glow and beauty of your skin. Ichtyocollagene ™ increases the elasticity of the skin, evens out and evens out the structure. Renovage ™ helps maintain youth at the cellular level by increasing the size of telomeres. Argan and cannabis oil effectively nourish and soothe, and vitamins A and E vitalize the skin and have an antioxidant effect.

ANTI-WRINKLE SERUM with cannabis oil

Helps remove wrinkles and fine lines and restores the radiant glow and beauty of your skin. Ichtyocollagene ™ increases the elasticity of the skin, evens out and evens out the structure. Renovage ™ helps maintain youth at the cellular level by increasing the size of telomeres. Argan and cannabis oil effectively nourish and soothe, and vitamins A and E vitalize the skin and have an antioxidant effect.

How to use: Apply to clean skin and massage. Then use an anti-wrinkle cream.

Why hemp oil?
The secret of hemp oil is in its antiseptic, antibacterial and tonic effect. It contains a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (over 80%), and the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is 2: 1 - more than any other oil.
For healthy hair and skin
Hemp oil is also suitable for oily skin. Its composition does not clog pores, unlike many moisturizing products that lubricate the skin. Proven anti-inflammatory action, which makes it a suitable product for sensitive and allergic skin.
Vido's Herbal Elixir
Cosmetics with cannabis oil and many more hydrating, soothing, rejuvenating ingredients that will do the best for you and your skin, because beauty is health!

Cannabis oil contains more natural essential fatty acids than any other plant-derived oil in the ideal 3: 1 - Omega-6: Omega-3 ratio. It also contains vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant. It also contains the rare gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is very close in composition to fat cells in the human body. It also contains a complex of vitamins A, B, C, D and E, which are the main skin care and contribute to a beautiful and radiant appearance.

Exceptional action
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It also gives new life, evens out the complexion and helps cell regeneration.
  • Protects from the harmful effects of the environment - wind, sun, UV rays.
  • It has a calming effect. Very suitable for sensitive, dry and tired skin. Helps with problems with acne, eczema, psoriasis.
Рибен колаген овлажнява и възстановява клетките, възстановяване еластичността на кожата. Тъй като кожите на рибите са богати на колаген тип I, същия колаген, който изгражда и дермата на човешката кожа, натуралния колаген от сладководни риби предотвратява признаците на стареене на кожата като образуване на бръчки, провисвания, загуба на еластичност, неравномерен тен и хиперпигментация.
Renovage ™
Renovage is the ingredient, Teprenone, which stabilizes telomere shortening, increasing cell life by a third. These are many years of cell life. And if slowing down the biological clock of our cells was not enough, Renovage strengthens, hydrates and reduces wrinkles, sun spots, redness and pore size.
Argan oil
It has an anti-aging effect, thanks to the fatty acids that are in it, also moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and smooth, and is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, argan protects the skin from inflammation and eczema, soothes acne and sensitivity.

ANTI-WRINKLE SERUM with cannabis oil

Helps remove wrinkles and fine lines and restores the radiant glow and beauty of your skin. Ichtyocollagene ™ increases the elasticity of the skin, evens out and evens out the structure. Renovage ™ helps maintain youth at the cellular level by increasing the size of telomeres. Argan and cannabis oil effectively nourish and soothe, and vitamins A and E vitalize the skin and have an antioxidant effect.

Anti-wrinkle serum